Monday, July 31, 2017

Reading Together

 Some of our parents came to the Reading Together workshops to find out how to help us with our reading. The librarian Marion came from Three Kings Library to talk about how the library can help us find books that suit us. Our parents got a certificate when they had finished all the workshops.

Diversity Day

 Diversity Day was on 18 May and we went to Mt Albert Community Hall in Balmoral to watch some dancing and singing. Our Siva dance group performed and we saw lots of our refugee friends from other schools. We had a nice lunch.

Wellington Film Crew

Our ESOL class was asked to do some filming for the Ministry of Education and a film crew came from Wellington to take videos of our ESOL lessons.

Visiting MOTAT

 WE went to MOTAT because we were studying inventions. We saw many old things and we had a lesson in the old school house.

 But then we learned about new inventions like the 3D printer which made these plastic toys. It was so cool watching it. We also went on the tram and used an old telephone.

Making ANZAC Biscuits

 We read a story about how the soldiers in World War 1 got biscuits made from New Zealand that had no eggs in them so they would last longer. They were called ANZAC biscuits and we made them in our ESOL class. They tasted yum. We wrote a procedure about how we made our biscuits.

Welcome to 2017

 Our ESOLclass started 2017 with 25 students from 14 different countries. In our group we come from China, Somalia, Ethiopia, Iraq and Afghanistan.